Capri Kitchen Nightmare F5

Capri Kitchen Nightmares

Capri Kitchen Nightmare 13Capri, a Los Angeles California restaurant featured in season 4 of Kitchen Nightmares. Check back for updates on the next chapter.  We have a hood cleaning business and we have seen some nightmares ourselves.  This episode was close to home for us.

Find out the story of Gordon Ramsay’s visit to The Capri. Also, find out what has happened since Gordon left The Capri.

Capri Kitchen Nightmares Episode Recap

Gordon Ramsay visits Capri (Eagle Rock) in Los Angeles, California, in this episode.

They entertain the guests but are so lazy to do any work.

Gordon arrives, isn’t impressed with the restaurant’s exterior, and thinks the interior looks too dark.

Jeff greets Jeff, who informs him of the closing hours of the restaurant and the opening hours for the dinner service at 4 o’clock on the evening.

Gordon watches as the food is being prepared and inspects the dining hall while he is waiting.

Jim claims he is responsible to clean the restaurant. But, he admitted that he hates it.

The meatballs come in a bag and are heated up to reheat.

Jim is unable, for some reason, to determine the age of the frozen chicken Scarpello.

Gordon sees bits of gum beneath the table. Colleen tells Gordon this is a new phenomenon.

You can see rotten foods and precooked dishes in the walk-in. There is also a warm sauce in the fridge, which would have made it dangerous to serve.

Jim and Jeff return back to their cooking and begin to deliver food to the restaurant. But the diners don’t seem impressed.

Gordon’s encouragement led Jeff to jump in to dinner service, and he tried to help Jim to get the kitchen running again.

Gordon discovers, however, that the chicken is not being safely defrosted. He advises Jim to take the chicken off the menu.

Instead, he announces his lack of chicken to the diners directly in the dining room. Many of the diners walk away.

Soon Jim and Gordon get into an argument. Darian (the pizza chef) reveals that Darian is childish and will cry when things go their way.

The customers who are still angry at the long wait times and frustrations they have experienced were forced to leave.

After the twins spend the night cleaning, Gordon arrives before the others and opens the restaurant for lunch. With the help of Colleen (and Darian),

Jim and Jeff arrive at a full-service restaurant. Gordon has presented their new lunch menu.

He informs them that the service brought in $300. The twins are aware of the potential revenue boost and decide to open a lunchroom every day.

Gordon teaches them how they can make their own meatballs. Jim, on the other hand, goes out into the street to rave about their meatballs.

Gordon and his staff worked over the weekend to complete the long-awaited renovation of the restaurant. It’s one of the greatest makeovers in TV history.Capri Kitchen Nightmare 14

Relaunch of Capri Kitchen Nightmares

Jim is on hand to assist with the kitchen during relaunch night.

Gordon takes them outside and gives them a motivational talk. The kitchen transforms it into something that customers love.

Gordon meets with the twins again after the successful night’s services.

Gordon surprised them both by giving them a certificate of thanks from the Chamber of Commerce.

Eight months after the episode aired, the twins reported in the local press that their business had increased 20 percent.

Yelp reviews after the show are generally positive. The meatballs/pizza were mostly well-received, and customers love the twins.

Section Comment

I was able eat at this restaurant out of all the other restaurants. While the food was decent (pizza was good, but not my favorite), and the service was adequate, they seem to be doing just fine. I was surprised to see that the Kingston Cafe had closed in town recently.

Holy macro. It was the first episode I saw that had closed the restaurant. I wanted to know more. It is amazing to discover they are open. Amazing.

This episode was my favorite of all KN. They are funny, kind and have a good heart.

Capri Kitchen Nightmare 15Yes. Also, I agree. They reminded us of some very sweet shire folk. God Bless Jim, Jeff, and Long Live Jim. Hmmm. Quite endearing. It was a delightful episode.

As I write this, I am viewing the episode May 20th 2015 and I am going to So-Cal. (Disneyland rocks!) I need to find out where the restaurant is located from Disney. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum are a must see when you visit Disneyland. This was what I remembered immediately after seeing this episode. And it turns out that they are actors. Where were these two actors when Tim Burton’s Alice was remade? The movie was fantastic and the two of them would have been much better than CG. They are very open to me, I like that they have a decent attitude unlike some of the arrogant people who appear on the show. It was also a great boxing match.

This was one of my favorite episodes of Kitchen Nightmares! I was worried that they would revert to their old ways like they have in previous episodes. However, I was stunned by their actions and can’t express my gratitude for Gordon’s guidance. I’m proud of these guys and wish they continued their success for many years to come! Kitchen Nightmares is a great show! We are looking forward to their return in a future episode.